Exercise Smarter in Kingston WA

Exercise Smarter in Kingston WA

Exercise Smarter in Kingston

Who in Kingston WA doesn’t take pride in working hard and reaching their goals? Regardless of the situation, it is human nature to enjoy the accolades that come with seeing results, telling ourselves “Way to go! You did it!” In this day and age, however, it is almost as though just reaching goals is not enough. We have to reach our goals FASTER!

Let’s explore exercise, for example. There are several reasons why “fast” is not necessarily the appropriate speed to obtain your goals, in fact racing toward results could actually hinder rather than help.

How many times have we all heard the same story? Someone resolves to “get in shape”. They buy the gear, the shoes, and the gym membership. They head to the gym one, two, or several more times. They have grandiose dreams of a svelte body and want it after the first few trips.

The reality of the matter is they fail to properly prepare for the exercise program, they overdo it the first few trips, they end up being sore for days or self-inflicting an injury causing even longer delays and potential medical bills. The goal of beginning an exercise program and getting into shape is often never realized because those that have set the goal are trying to rush the process, exercising harder and not smarter. If you are looking for ways to exercise smarter in Kingston WA then this article is for you.

Strategies In Kingston WA

How To Exercise Smarter

So what does exercising smarter entail? That is a simple answer, TAKE IT SLOW! If you have not been exercising your body is capable of doing only a little bit of exercise before it becomes strained and sore. Additionally, even if you have been exercising for some time, you should not increase the intensity of your workout drastically lest you risk the same soreness and potential injury. Rushing yourself will most likely result in injury and keep you from slow steady progress that will lead to you reaching your goals.

Exercise for Life

The smartest exercise strategy is slow, gradual, and long-term, depending on your age and current fitness level. It may be wise to begin with a walking program, gradually increasing your pace and length of the walk over time. An exercise program should not be something you tackle for a few weeks or months. It should be a lifelong healthy habit.

The same slow, gradual approach should be used regardless of the type of exercise you are performing. If you are using weights, doing pilates or yoga it is wise to take if very slow at first. Always listen to what your body is telling you, less is more in the long run. If you are consistent you will begin to notice amazing results like increased energy levels, better posture and flexibility, healthier complexion, and more restful sleep.

Chiropractic – Another Smart Decision!

Chiropractic care in Kingston WA is a great complement to any exercise program. As you exercise and increase your strength and fitness levels you may suffer minor injuries that go unnoticed. Regular chiropractic care can aid in preventing potential injuries or speeding the healing process through increased joint mobility should an injury occur. Most injuries that occur are the result of tight muscles and poor flexibility. Chiropractic care helps restore and maintain joint flexibility in your spine allowing it to handle the physical demands of regular exercise. Chiropractic should be an integral part of any exercise program.

Just Exercise Smarter

Don’t wait until you have an injury to start chiropractic care! Call our dedicated team today to begin a maintenance program of regular chiropractic care to ensure you get the most out of your exercise program.


9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 3:00pm

10:00am - 11:00am


Foundation Chiropractic

8202 NE State Hwy 104 #105
Kingston, WA 98346

(360) 297-0037